I'm seeing red

One example we see. Cooling night time temperatures will do this:

You can observe where the cool air flow is occuring, in this instance.

For the above, this stem was protected from the cool temperature by an overlapping leaf. There are more obvious examples to be had though I’d need to look through the photos. As time progresses with the cool nights, the leaves will continue to deepen with colorful hues.

We’ve had the same genetics not produce any color at harvest but when the nighttime temperature remains moderate. There has been no accounting for other variables, such as nutrition, that may encourage the change in color. This is fall nearing harvest.


I’ve only recently made the change to led but i’ve been whinging about purple for a few years now.

I can only narrow it down to my growing or genetics?

Over the changes I’ve made in the last 7/8 years the one constant is purple plants?

Yeah same. I’ve just heard that it’s much more common with LEDs.

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Funny, on the opposite side of that. The red part here was girdled by some Velcro tape and the rest of the plant is green.


lol. Plants are weird.


Tuff. I love it… haha gotta make it work! Love it two times.

Heard! Thanks @InTheWoods :metal:t2: was just curious.

LEDs can cause plants to reduce the green so they can better stabilize photosynthesis. A sun tan if you will. Or at least how I understand it.


Old mothers root bound in fabrics pots, Not really focusing on them since its their farewell flower.

Here is the green pheno happy in the next run off the new mother before I stored cuts and put her dormant.


I see this a lot as well.

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It goes against the cold theory. I think the cold theory is more of a deficiency issue than a triggering of genetics.

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I think it’s both!


My tent girls green so far, I think its Atonic x Cake Fighter from bad dawg , I wonder if she’ll fade.

Alot of my leave stems are red though


Everything the same except strain.


Everything touches. Many blessings and much love

I’d imagine it starts in the genetics and could be exasperated by lighting spectrum, for example a bunch of green in LED’s or could be a response to higher intensity with lower temperature where previously plants would probably have associated higher intensity with higher temperatures. Throw in selections to this changing landscape and I think that’s why you’re observing @Star_Dog. Which genetics are you running? Mostly popular hybrids I’d imagine? Some of the older genetics should have a bunch of lime green leaf types still to select from, especially those with tropical equatorial ancestry. Many blessings and much love


Beautiful work brother :+1::+1::+1:

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I definitely concur with the cold weather. We’ve been having a great deal of cold lately and that turns some of my plants to turn purple to black, which is wild to see. But on the regular basis, I find if I keep my PMs around 500 give or take I don’t see purple stems I see beautiful green ones. Once I get into the 700 range things start to change so I believe there’s a correlation between the amount of feed you’re giving it as well.


Another example of everything the same and only 1 green plant.

I think its the breeding, I’m fairly sure it’s not temperature related as summertime produces purple at the same ratio’s when the temps don’t fall below 23/24c at night.

If it was nutrient or environment related I wouldn’t expect to see healthy plants throughout flowering then display issues at the end?

Yep spot on mate and lots of fems.

Recently I’ve went to less commercialised outlets for regular only + I’ve some land race strains from Og members to try.


My opinion is it’s two-fold

Firstly is the exhaustive reproduction of “purple-prone” genetics. . … for years, it was kind of treated as if it were a marker for potent weed; I do remember all thru my 20’s all I ever wanted was “DEM PURPS” and even to this day, I am a big big sucker for bag appeal.

Secondly, is LED tech advancement in growing. I feel like more & more plants are “purping out” under very intense LEDs but under much much cooler conditions than under HID lighting,


I am not sure about that, I have mostly green plants, I had one critical turning reddish but it looked like a phenotype, never had anything like that.

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The fact that one pheno expresses it & the other doesn’t, jives with my statement that it’s bred into most things nowadays. It means that genetic carries the propensity to do it, but only one of your phenos is expressing it. I actually get that quite a bit myself :+1: